Rescue Training Facilities

Inventory of U.S. Mine Rescue Training Facilities that Support Coal Mine Rescue Training


This research was conducted as part of the Mining and Industrial Safety Technology and Training Innovation (MISTTI) project, which was funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), grant number 1H75OH009822. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not represent the opinions of NIOSH, the facilities described, or any other company, government agency, or organization.




This report provides an updated inventory of domestic underground coal mine rescue training facilities that provide emergency response preparedness training, command center training, rigorous and standardized skills and equipment training for mine rescue teams.  This facility inventory report builds upon the previous research conducted by NIOSH and published in 2009.  The Mining and Industrial Safety Technology and Training Innovation (MISTTI) researchers contacted staff at 12 of the leading mine rescue training facilities to develop this summary of each facility's geographic locations, services and capacities, and training areas of expertise. We also compare 2013 mine rescue issues and concerns with those voiced in the 2008 survey research.  This report includes individual profiles of the 12 training facilities with photos, a map showing the location of the 12 facilities and mine rescue team stations, and data tables displaying facility features for comparison. The report also provides distinguishing features of U.S. coal mine rescue training facilities, highlights of notable improvements in training approaches, facility contexts, and recommendations for further enhancements to the mine rescue facility training capabilities and areas of focus.




 Mine Rescue Inventory



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